Tag Archives: schema

Christ’s Atonement in Catholicism

Christ’s Atonement in Catholicism shows that Roman Catholicism has a wrong concept of Christ’s work, and it is seen in various doctrinal beliefs and practices. They do not believe in the sufficiency of Christ’s atonement in the single act of dying on the cross, but rather it is like a single major event within many other events.

Christ’s Atonement in Catholicism

by David Cox

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The Pentecostal Fascination with Demons

The Pentecostal Fascination with Demons is actually a mark of modern Pentecostalism. They promote their movement because of this “sign.” As a preacher and pastor, I can half-way accept the old Methodism, that tried to seek holiness in their membership. I can accept even the Nazarene and old school Pentecostals which went down that same erroneous path as John Wesley in Methodism. But modern Pentecostals are just too radical for me.

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