
Christian Religious Groups


This page is a topic index page for the different groups mentioned on this website.


This is a group that formed in the early years after the Apostles.

Seventh Day Adventists

This group is an offshoot of David Miller (Baptist), and was essentially molded under Ellen White.


Steele A Discourse Concerning Old-age is a 109 page work on Christian Counsel to those who are aged, looking at different aspects of old age from a Christian point of view. This is an old work, but sound advice from Scripture is timeless.
PDF: Steele A Discourse Concerning Old-age.PDF
OpenOffice: Steele A Discourse Concerning Old-age.odt
theWord: Steele A Discourse Concerning Old-age.twm
eSword: Steele A Discourse Concerning Old-age.topx
MySword: Steele A Discourse Concerning Old-age.mybible

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David Cox

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