Category Archives: Emergent Church

Detecting Emergent Churches pt1

Detecting Emergent Churches Part 1

Detecting Emergent Churches
Detecting if your church is an Emergent Church
By David Cox

Detecting Emergent ChurchesDetecting Emergent Churches. First of all, you need to be very clear that the Emergent Church is an attack on Christianity, but they are within Christianity. They identify themselves as “men of God” when they make their attacks. So because your pastor or ministers in your church claim to be what you expect them to be (men of God), this is nothing new. But if their drift and movement is towards this God denying movement, it can be identified before you are dragged into completely. Always remember, stand true for God, and refuse heresy and error, and run from it. Do not play with it. Detecting Emergent Churches pt1
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Emergent Church Errors part1

The Errors of the Emergent Church (Emergent Church Errors) Part 1

Emergent Church Errors
By David Cox

What is the Emergent Church?

They believe that the old time religion just isn’t good enough. We need a new way of “doing church”.

The basic idea here is that the church should morph itself (emerge) as it moves through cultures and times. It declares as a fact that times have changed, and we are in a time in which the church that could have been fine for people in the early 1900s, just is out of sync with people of our day. That moment of modernism is gone. This transition into “post-modernism” is a change from the old and failing methods of old (i.e. that of cold, hard facts) have given away to the new (warm, fuzzy, subjectivity).

An “emergent seed” is one that is just breaking the ground. They want to identify themselves as the birth of real Christianity. This birth concept is important to get. They, the Emergent Church, is what real Christianity is (to them). Real Christianity hasn’t yet begun in the time period 1 A.D. through 2000 A.D. What the Apostles and all the church family from then to now have experienced was all wrong. Only now is the real church of God appearing, and it is appearing “in them”. They trash the real Bible, the real church, and the real salvation, fabricating something else, and making that their “real” thing.

It emphasizes experience over reason, subjectivity over objectivity, images and presentations over words, doctrines, and commands. This shift in ideas are determined (by this Emergent Church Movement) to necessary to engage the current culture.

28:41 mins.

I found this interview from Lamb and the Lion ministries being a tremendously helpful way to understand the Emergent Church. This movement is a saturating piece of Satan’s plan in the overthrow of all religions so that he can form into a one world religion.

Continue reading Emergent Church Errors part1

Discerning if you are in an Emergent Church

How to find out if you are in an Emerging Church

By Pastor David Cox

When we understand what an emergent church (see my previous posts), we must understand that these are wolves in sheeps clothing, that have slowly and astutely inserted themselves within the body of Christ to work the work of Satan. But they will never identify themselves. You will see them as nice, reasonable, friendly, courteous people that are the most likeable people in the world. Maybe, after things have gone done the trail a real long ways, somebody strange and new will stand up and start saying some things that just knock you down. They will say things something like against the Bible, that it really isn’t our guide for our lives. Jesus isn’t really God. Everybody is already saved, and there is no need nor reason to try and witness or present the gospel to the unsaved because everybody will eventually go to heaven anyway.

In my previous posts, I have shown that the Emergent Church is basically a doctrine of demons, coming straight from the pit of hell, and its objective is to destroy traditional church as God has taught us in Scripture. In the first post, I added a video of an interview that explains much about how and why this movement is demonic and antichristian.

Any one or more of these things will be said, and you will be bolled over, but as you look around and expect a mass riot from your friends and neighbors in that church, nobody even takes notice. You are in an emergent church, and never knew it.

Continue reading Discerning if you are in an Emergent Church

Detecting Emergent Churches Methodology pt2

Detecting Emergent Churches Methodology Part 2

Detecting Emergent Churches Methodology
Detecting if your church is an Emergent Church
By David Cox

This is our continuing examination of the Emergent Church movement, looking at what are the signs of the Emergent Church, so that we can detect if our church is going emergent.

What is their methodology?

God has set our methodology in concrete. We are to preach the gospel, which is to declare man’s sinfulness (which causes a bad feeling in people who are unsaved and saved), and then to declare God’s love in that God sent his Son Jesus to the cross to die for our sins. He died for us taking on himself our sins, and in his resurrection, his offering for our sins is shown as being accepted because God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit resurrected Jesus.

The Emergent Church says that we need to change all that, and everything else about “doing church” as they call it, and make a new form rather than that which God has given us. Inherent in this, they condemn the old ways that God has given us as unacceptable for today, and that we need to redo them. Again they show authority from themselves while rejecting the authority of God. Their declaration that “church as we have been traditionly doing it doesn’t work”. Why does it work? It doesn’t work for them because they have been doing the traditional way without faith, and without real love and obedience to God, so it won’t work under those conditions. Continue reading Detecting Emergent Churches Methodology pt2

Emergent Church Refutation

Emergent Church Refutation

Emergent Church Refutation
By David Cox

The problem is that the Emergent Church is just wrong. If you are going to believe the Bible at all, if you are going to accept Jesus as your Savior, then you are going to have to accept that information on some basis. That basis is on the authority of the Word of God, the Scriptures, the Bible. If the Bible is true, then it has the divine authority of God, and anything against or contradicts the Bible is false and to be rejected.

This is a matter that the Emergent Church lays the foundation of man’s pleasure over and above God’s authoritative Word (which securely expresses God’s will). This is the most clear way to see this issue, and if so, then we must side with God against man’s ideas no matter how we “feel” about them. If we distrust the Bible, then nothing we know about God is true. Yet there is no reason to distrust the Bible because everything it has and does tell us is right on.

Continue reading Emergent Church Refutation

Detecting Emergent Churches Eschatology Part 4

Detecting Emergent Churches Eschatology Part 4

Detecting Emergent Churches Eschatology
Detecting if your church is an Emergent Church
By David Cox

This is our continuing examination of the Emergent Church movement, looking at what are the signs of the Emergent Church, so that we can detect if our church is going emergent. In this installment we look at the Emergent Church movement’s treatment of Eschatology.

Continue reading Detecting Emergent Churches Eschatology Part 4