Category Archives: True Christianity

Destitution of a Pastor

The destitution of a Pastor is a discussion of the requirements of a pastor and his destitution if he doesn’t fulfill these requirements. This is an excellent exposition of the requirements of the pastor as well as the Destitution of a Pastor.

By Pastor-Missionary David Cox
Destitution of a Pastor

The Examining the Destitution of a Pastor

Let me start off by saying that it is dangerous to undertake the destitution of a pastor. If you are wrong (and we all can be wrong), then you are trying to remove a man God has placed in that ministry. It is equally as dangerous to allow a man that is essentially a wolf in sheep’s clothing to take over a ministry.

Over the years, I have seen churches “fall.” By that I mean, a good church, with good doctrines and good people, and a false prophet come in and run off the majority, take the 20-30 years of what they had done economically to have a building, and use it for his personal bank account. Essentially, the false prophet changes the church’s doctrine and practice to what he wants it to be. Sad. Some of those churches were supporting me as a missionary (as well as a dozen or so more missionaries) and after the new pastor, we missionaries were all dropped. On the field or off, no difference.

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Preacher’s Motives 1Thess 2:1-12

In this article, I want to look at the preacher’s motives, what they should be in the light of the Bible, and also look at what they are not to be. The principal passage we will be looking at in 1Thessalonians 2.

This is the first article in a series of articles on money and the minister. See Tag: Continue reading Preacher’s Motives 1Thess 2:1-12

What is the Churchs Purpose?

What is the Churchs Purpose?

What is the Churchs Purpose?
By Pastor David Cox

Before I begin, some personal background. I am a missionary, and I started visiting churches presenting my ministry in Mexico to churches back in 1983. I have probably visited some 700-800 churches in my lifetime. While a goodly number of churches I have little to no idea of how they function, and what the thinking of their pastors really is, a lot of them I do see into their philosophy from talking at length with the pastors, and seeing them function on a Sunday in their services. Let me also say that over time, a missionary can discern a lot about a church from the details that are readily visible.

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God is truth, Satan is deception

God is truth, Satan is deception


Calvinism is a true masterwork of deception, with twisting and turning of the truth, to create something other than the truth. This is never more true than in its accessment of God, man, and Satan.

God is truth

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Rev 3:7 he that is true (Christ)

In Hebrew the word for “truth” means firmness, faithfulness, strong, firm. In Greek it has a concept of “reality”, what really is. The essence of truth is the “sameness” between what a thing presents itself as, and the reality of that being or situation. The opposite of truth is a lie, a deception, a projected perception that does not correspond with reality.

A good example here is simply “hypocrite” or actor. A Hollywood actor projects himself (his character, actions, emotions, being) as something that he is not. A magician projects a false reality. He presents to his audience a woman that he puts into a box and cuts her in half, but after apparently cutting her in half, he presents her without any harm afterwards. This is presenting a false reality, and it is deception pure and simple.

It is not part of the character of God that He uses or has deception within Himself, or His character or actions. Continue reading God is truth, Satan is deception