Lloyd-Jones, M. – Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Its Cure

Spiritual DepressionSpiritual Depression: Its Causes and Its Cure, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, 1965. Gently but firmly addresses potential causes including inability to receive forgiveness for all sins, not moving beyond past failures, seeing only bad and not good, not recognizing false teaching, lack of faith, not seeing trials correctly, etc. This older book stays centered on Biblical solutions. Very helpful.

Dagg Doctrine of God is a 14 chapter work on the Person of God, His existence, His Attributes, which are Unity, Spirituality, Omnipresence, eternity, immutability, Omniscience, Omnipotence, Goodness, Truth, Justice, Holiness, Wisdom.
PDF: Dagg Doctrine of God
theWord: Dagg Doctrine of God
MySword: Dagg Doctrine of God
eSword: Dagg Doctrine of God

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