Author Archives: DavidCox

Salvation as a Divine Relationship between People

Salvation as a Divine Relationship between People Continue reading

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Explanation of Anglicanism

This is a brief opinion of what is Anglicanism. Continue reading

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Problems with Total Depravity or Inability

Problems with Total Depravity or Inability examines the flaws and errors of Total Depravity (really total inability). Problems with Total Depravity or Inability Continue reading

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Study of “ordained” (τάσσω G5021) Act 13:48 – “and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed”

In this study we examine the words in Acts 13:48, “as many as were ordained unto eternal life”. Continue reading

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Calvinism Enoch pleased God Total Depravity

Calvinism Enoch Pleased God. In this post on total depravity, we examine the Calvinist position of man’s total depravity. This is the first in a series. Continue reading

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The Reality of Demons

The Reality of Demons is a simple fact of life. We should not focus on demons, but they are real and around us and fighting against us. Continue reading

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Total Depravity: 2. Counter Examples of Noah and Abraham

In this post we example how Noah’s salvation was dependent on his righteousness. Continue reading

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FP: The Bad Fruit of a False Prophet part 2b

FP: The Bad Fruit of a False Prophet part 2b will investigate what the fruit (life and ministry) of a false prophet.  Continue reading

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Cult Exit: Problems, Detention, and How-Tos

Cult Exit: Problems, Detention, and How-Tos is an article by David Cox on identifying a cult through the difficulty in leaving it. Continue reading

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How does Total Depravity affect the Christian?

How does Total Depravity affect the Christian? I separate what the Bible teaches about our sinfulness, how to be saved, and after being saved, what we can expect. Continue reading

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