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- 9. The Holy Spirit possesses Holiness, makes Holy Thu 9/19/24
- Emergent Church Errors part1 Thu 9/26/24
- Lloyd-Jones, M. – Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Its Cure Thu 10/3/24
- Discerning if you are in an Emergent Church Thu 10/10/24
- David Cox Anthology on the Antichrist Thu 10/17/24
salv74 The Just Will live by their Faith is an examination of the places where this occurs in Scripture, as well as what it means. TOPICS: What is Faith? | Faith and Israel’s Destruction | The Principle of Faith, the End of Faith | Faith guides us | If you have faith, do not go backwards | Faith is through receiving God.
Read the Tract: salv74 The Just Will live by their FaithNew Tracts
Sections: What is biblical preaching? | Wholesome Doctrine | Good Doctrine produces Piety | Bad doctrine and preaching | Strong Reproof | Preaching to Entertain | Beneficial Preaching Excerpt: We cannot identify “good preaching” if we do not understand the purpose and vocation of the preacher... The very words of God are to be explained such that the will of God is understood by repeating these words, explaining them, and insisting on them as our obligation. The lack of use of explicit (read aloud, exposit, and illustrate) Scripture makes for bad preaching... It is understood that the majority of people hearing a sermon do not want to be rebuked, but this is exactly what “good preaching” does.
ch39 What should we preach? Sermon Topics This tract outlines what is the difference between "good preaching" and "bad preaching" from scriptural texts so that we have the authority of God on it.
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Read the Tract: ch39 What should we preach? | List of Topics to Preach
Please donate to help support this website.Tract Group 1
salv51 Good Works do not save us explains the relationship of good works to the Christian's life after being saved, and nothing to do with obtaining salvation.
Topics: I am Good, Won’t I go to Heaven? | Our Righteousness against God’s Righteousness | We are Saved by the Grace of God | The Conditions to Receive the Righteousness of God | We accept that we are sinners. | Repentance of our Sins. | How do we “hide ourselves” from God’s all-seeing Judgment? | The Correct Place of Good Works.
Read the Tract: salv51 Good Works do not Save us.Buy Me a Cup of Coffee
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Tract Group 2
What's the difference between sheep and goats? Tract: ch28 Difference between sheep and goats? This tract outlines the differences and contrasts between a true Christian (Sheep) from a false Christian (goat). Sections:
Goats eat Trash
Goats are arrogant
Goats are aggressive
Goats constantly jump the fence
Goats are always in a bad moodThere are Christians who do not feed themselves well spiritually speaking. In place of going to a good church with healthy spiritual food, these will feed themselves on anything, but mostly trash. ... The nature of goats is that they like to exalt themselves. It is a classic sight to see a goat with his head high in the air, while sheep have they head bent down feeding....(Goats) are always going head-to-head with everyone, especially with each other, and with any who crosses them... Sheep naturally have a loyalty to a good man of God who faithfully feeds them from the goodness of the Word of God. ... Perhaps the worse mark of a goat is simple his attitude. He is never satisfied with anything. ... The mark of the children of God is their cooperation among themselves, and their spiritual and emotional support for the lives one of another, and their aversion to complaining and conflict within the family of God. They put up with things and take personal loss to keep the peace.
Please support our tract ministry by donating on the tract website (see sidebar). Because of your donations, we can offer these tracts online, and for free. Read the Tract ch28 What's the difference between sheep and goats?
Please donate to help support this website.Good Books from my Sites
Moule Veni Creati is an old, well known work in studies in the Holy Spirit by Bishop (Anglican) H.G.C. Moule. It has 12 chapters. It is a deep treatment of the Holy Spirit. Although Moule was Anglican, his writings are well written and good.
theWord: Moule Veni Creati
MySword: Moule Veni Creati
ESword:Moule Veni Creati
Adobe Acrobat PDF: Moule Veni CreatiAds and News
Have you ever eaten Fried Ice Cream! Donate! It is delicious, like apple pie with vanilla ice cream on top. But you know that you cannot have what is good without somebody paying for it. If you have enjoyed things on my website, please consider helping me out on the expenses and keeping it on the Internet. Can you consider at least a one time donation to this ministry of $10 or $20 dollars? I have a monthly total of about 96 gigabytes total being downloaded monthly from all of my websites. Be a blessing to me and donate any amount. It would be really great if you could gift me and my wife (she wants oa fried ice cream too) this money so that we could enjoy eating out at least once in a while. (I pay the expenses for these sites out of our living expenses.) God will richly bless you and repay you for your generosity. 1 Timothy 5:18 For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward. If you received some value from my websites, consider at least a small donation. A big donation would really be nice, too, though.
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They deep freeze the ice cream ball, and coat it with batter only a few seconds before they deep fry it, and then only fry it for a few seconds.
Tag Archives: Covetousness
Biblical Overview of Covetousness
Biblical Overview of Covetousness has some dictionary entries and references to articles on covetousness from Continue reading
The difference between Abuse and Mistakes
The difference between Abuse and Mistakes is an article on separating a mistake that some pastor makes versus pastoral abuse, or a false prophet. Continue reading
Pastoral Covetousness NT
pastoral covetousness We examine what covetousness does to a man’s soul. Continue reading
Discerning between a False and True Christianity
Discerning between a False and True Christianity is an article explaining how to discern between falsehood and true Christianity. Continue reading
Covetousness doesn’t mix with God’s Work
In the ministry or work of God, Covetousness is not to be found at all. This post explains the Bible’s teaching on this for ministers. Continue reading
Catholic Fleecing the Lambs
Catholic Fleecing the Lambs is a study on how ministers get money from laymen on a scale that is unbiblical. Continue reading
FP: Catching the False Prophet with his hand in the Cookie Jar
This post explains and analyzes the false prophet. Continue reading
Covetousness is Idolatry
Covetousness is Idolatry is a short article on why covetousness is idolatry. Continue reading
Ministerial Requirement Not Covetous
Ministerial Requirement Not Covetous is a short article about why ministers are not to be covetous, or interested so much in the things of this world. Continue reading