Tag Archives: money and the minister

Good Shepherd Sacrifices

In this article we examine what it means to be a good shepherd like Jesus our Good Shepherd. Here the idea is to be beneficial to the sheep. Continue reading

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Pastoral Covetousness NT

pastoral covetousness We examine what covetousness does to a man’s soul. Continue reading

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Preacher’s Motives 1Thess 2:1-12

Article on what the preachers motives should be according to the Bible (and should not be). Continue reading

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Pastoral Covetousness OT

A false prophet is easily identified by their Pastoral Covetousness. Simply put, he desires a high life which he gets from his relationship with the church. Continue reading

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Covetousness doesn’t mix with God’s Work

In the ministry or work of God, Covetousness is not to be found at all. This post explains the Bible’s teaching on this for ministers. Continue reading

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Catholic Fleecing the Lambs

Catholic Fleecing the Lambs is a study on how ministers get money from laymen on a scale that is unbiblical. Continue reading

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The Biblical Marks of Christianity

This is an introductory post on what is true Christianity. Continue reading

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