Category Archives: True Christianity

What is a “Fundamentalist” biblically considered?

In this post, I try to quantify what is a “fundamentalist”? I will put my own thoughts as well as links to some other people’s thoughts on the matter. Continue reading

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Destitution of a Pastor

The destitution of a Pastor is a discussion of the requirements of a pastor and his destitution if he doesn’t fulfill these requirements. This is an excellent exposition of the requirements of the pastor. Continue reading

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Preacher’s Motives 1Thess 2:1-12

Article on what the preachers motives should be according to the Bible (and should not be). Continue reading

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Discerning between a False and True Christianity

Discerning between a False and True Christianity is an article explaining how to discern between falsehood and true Christianity. Continue reading

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Coveting no Man’s Silver

Coveting no Man’s Silver is a study on how ministers are not to be overly eager to take from their flocks. Continue reading

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What is the Churchs Purpose?

The Churchs Purpose is to evangelize the lost, organize churches, and capcitate the brethren to do this work of God in reaching the world. Continue reading

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Marks of a True Christian

This post Marks of a True Christian will look at the distinguishing marks of a true Christian, as per comments and teaching of Scripture. These marks are given by God to us so that we can discern those “tares” among us, and also so we can meditate on whether we are manifesting the marks of a true son of God. Continue reading

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Resolution of SCBF on Biblical Fundamentalism vs Pseudo/Neo-Fundamentalism January 9, 1978

This is a copy of the resolution of the SCBF on Fundamentalism. Continue reading

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God is truth, Satan is deception

In this article I present the alignment of truth with God, and deception with Satan. Having established that, God presents us with an apparent offer of salvation, repent and believe and you will be saved. To assign salvation to election instead of what God has said, is to make God a liar, which he is not. Continue reading

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The Biblical Marks of Christianity

This is an introductory post on what is true Christianity. Continue reading

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