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- Discerning if you are in an Emergent Church Thu 10/10/24
- David Cox Anthology on the Antichrist Thu 10/17/24
- Cox – What are the Marks of a Christian? Thu 10/24/24
- The Problem of Calvinism Thu 10/31/24
doct25 Jesus is our Moral Pattern explains how "receiving Jesus" also means being like Jesus in our moral character. We "follow God" as His children.
Download: doct25 Jesus is our Moral PatternNew Tracts
bs53 The Hope of the Christian explains hope in the spiritual life of the Christian, how it relates to salvation.
Topics: What does “hope” mean? | Faith and Hope | How does Hope function in our Lives? | What do we do while we are hoping? | The Relationship between Hoping and the Word of God | The Person of God is our Hope | What is the effect of hoping? | Those without Hope.
From the Tracts: Hope is a state of mind that arises when what is desired is presented as attainable. Hope is the expectation of soon receiving something one wants... But between believing and having salvation actually fulfilled, there exists time, and in this time, we have to hope for the time when God will fulfill it, when He wants to close history... We can say that faith, believing, began with hope within us that we wanted this good thing that God promises to us.
Read the Tracts: bs53 The Hope of the Christian.Tract Group 1
Cult19 Don’t Worship Death is an analysis of why we do not worship death, there is no dealing with death. God is who we deal with.
Topics: Who is the True God? | Jehovah is Omnipresent. | Jehovah is Omnipotent. | The Angel of Death | Death comes to Every Human Being | Mediums are Prohibited.
Excerpt: ...we must insist that “God” in whatever concept you have of Him, God is not a genie in a lamp that will concede to you whatever you wish without consideration of what God’s will is. God is in every place, He is present, and equally he sees and perceives everything, every situation, problem, and need, but God is also all Wise, and He knows what is happening very astutely. Many times, a person is suffering for his own sins, and God is who has commanded this tribulation and suffering because of the stubborn willfulness of the person suffering! (Job 5:18; Deuteronomy 32:39) Their suffering is a punishment from God for their sins. The remedy for them is to kneel before Jehovah and humble themselves before God. But the point is very important that in all of this, it is God Himself that is dealing with each person, and He is dealing with them for their sins... Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell... You see who your God is by how he affects your life.
View Tract: Cult19 Don’t Worship Death.Buy Me a Cup of Coffee
How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation is help from a veteran missionary of over 30+ years on his opinions and suggestions.
Topics: How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation | Money, Finances, and Expenses | "In-kind" helps | How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation continued | More Missionary Needs | A loaned Vehicle | More Articles on Missionary Helps.
Read the Article: How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation.Tract Group 2
What's the difference between sheep and goats? Tract: ch28 Difference between sheep and goats? This tract outlines the differences and contrasts between a true Christian (Sheep) from a false Christian (goat). Sections:
Goats eat Trash
Goats are arrogant
Goats are aggressive
Goats constantly jump the fence
Goats are always in a bad moodThere are Christians who do not feed themselves well spiritually speaking. In place of going to a good church with healthy spiritual food, these will feed themselves on anything, but mostly trash. ... The nature of goats is that they like to exalt themselves. It is a classic sight to see a goat with his head high in the air, while sheep have they head bent down feeding....(Goats) are always going head-to-head with everyone, especially with each other, and with any who crosses them... Sheep naturally have a loyalty to a good man of God who faithfully feeds them from the goodness of the Word of God. ... Perhaps the worse mark of a goat is simple his attitude. He is never satisfied with anything. ... The mark of the children of God is their cooperation among themselves, and their spiritual and emotional support for the lives one of another, and their aversion to complaining and conflict within the family of God. They put up with things and take personal loss to keep the peace.
Please support our tract ministry by donating on the tract website (see sidebar). Because of your donations, we can offer these tracts online, and for free. Read the Tract ch28 What's the difference between sheep and goats?
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Ritchie Foundational Truths of the Gospel is a basic doctrinal treatise for Assurance, Conversion, Eternal Life, Judgment, Justification, Perfection, Regeneration, Salvation, Sanctification, and Separation.
PDF:Ritchie Foundational Truths of the Gospel
theWord:Ritchie Foundational Truths of the Gospel
eSword:Ritchie Foundational Truths of the Gospel
MySword:Ritchie Foundational Truths of the Gospel
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Cult Exit: Problems, Detention, and How-Tos by Pastor David Cox. In this article, I explain how to identify a cult through the difficulty in leaving it.
Excerpt: One of the clearest elements identifying a cult is simply what happens when somebody wants "out." A biblical church will see a person leaving because the group doesn't meet their needs, doesn't serve them, or doesn't meet their biblical expectations as a tragedy and failure on the GROUP'S PART. Their attitude is first sadness in losing the person, but they want to correct what they have done wrong. (Note: This attitude will never appear without first accepting that they, the church, have somehow failed. Cults will rarely admit this of themselves, or never will they admit it. It takes a spiritually mature person to admit this.)A biblical church will simply ask questions like Where? How? Why? Where did we go wrong? How can we keep this from happening again? Why did we lose this person? A biblical church is more concerned about their own error in dealing with this member that retention.
Read the Article: Cult Exit: Problems, Detention, and How-Tos.
Tag Archives: dont-do-gods-will
FP: Catching the False Prophet with his hand in the Cookie Jar
This post explains and analyzes the false prophet. Continue reading
Posted in False Prophet-Teacher
Tagged abusive leaders, Covetousness, dont-do-gods-will, Excessively control, fp unique vision, gads, illicitly take money, Marks of False Prophet, ministerial covetousness, miracles authority
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