Category Archives: Catholicism

This category is for matters dealing with the Roman Catholic Church

Cat15 The Sexual Immorality of the Catholic Clergy

The Sexual Immorality of the Catholic Clergy

By David Cox

[cat15] v1 ©2018
This tract can be freely reprinted and post if no charge is made

This post is a copy of my tract on the sexual immorality of the Catholic Clery. Go here for a printable version.

This tract, CAT15 The Sexual Immorality of the Catholic Clergy, deals with the fatal errors in Roman Catholic practice and doctrine requiring their priests and ministers to be celibate. THEMES: Husband of One Wife | @No to Celibacy | Do not be a Fornicator | Pedophilia is an Abomination | Homosexuality is an Abomination | A Family Man | The Problem behind Immorality

Continue reading Cat15 The Sexual Immorality of the Catholic Clergy

cat01 Is the Pope the Vicar of Christ?

Is the Pope the Vicar of Christ?
Is the authority of the popes biblical? NO!
[C01] v1 ©2005

This tract can be freely copied and reproduced but not sold. You can download a printable version from

In Mat 16:18 Jesus promised to build his Church. Today many churches pretend to be the only true church of Jesus Christ. This tract will examine the claims of the Roman Catholic Church concerning the authority and succession of the apostles in the popes.

Continue reading cat01 Is the Pope the Vicar of Christ?

Christ’s Atonement in Catholicism

Christ’s Atonement in Catholicism shows that Roman Catholicism has a wrong concept of Christ’s work, and it is seen in various doctrinal beliefs and practices. They do not believe in the sufficiency of Christ’s atonement in the single act of dying on the cross, but rather it is like a single major event within many other events.

Christ’s Atonement in Catholicism

by David Cox

Continue reading Christ’s Atonement in Catholicism

The Assumption of Mary into Heaven

The Assumption of Mary into Heaven

The Assumption of Mary into Heaven
By David Cox

See my tracts on Catholicism here


This Catholic doctrine is of very recent devise, but it basically reads that Mary never really died like most other people, but ascended directly into heaven at some point similar to Enoch and Elikah, without having died.

“When the course of our Lady’s life on earth was ended she was taken up body and soul into heaven” (Mary—Doctrine for Everyman, p. 34).

As in our other studies on Mary, the Scriptures are totally silent on Mary, Jesus’ mother, after her assembly with her other children in the upper room waiting for the day of Pentecost (Acts 1:14).
Continue reading The Assumption of Mary into Heaven

Mary’s Immaculate Conception

Mary’s Immaculate Conception

Mary’s Immaculate Conception
By David Cox

See my tracts on Catholicism here


Contrary to what many people understand, the term “immaculate conception” doesn’t refer to Jesus’ being born without sin, but rather it refers to the Catholic misunderstanding that Mary had to have been born without sin also, because otherwise she would have transferred her sinful nature to Christ.

“When we say that Mary was conceived without sin we mean that from the very first moment of her existence she was free from original sin, she was full of grace” (Mary—Doctrine for Everyman, page 17).

On December 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX declared Mary had been born without sin. Thus, they explained Jesus’ sinless nature and held on to the doctrine of inherited sin.

This doctrine is involved with the Catholic doctrine of inherited sin, which is not biblical. They believe that every human being inherits the sin of Adam through their parents. A few salient points from Scripture is needed here. Continue reading Mary’s Immaculate Conception

The Perpetual Virginity of Mary

The Perpetual Virginity of Mary

The Perpetual Virginity of Mary
By David Cox

See my tracts on Catholicism here



The Catholic church exalts Mary into a position of being a goddess, equal to or over the Trinity. This godness status they assign her cannot be “ruined” by having sexual relations with a man.

“It is Catholic faith that Mary was a virgin before the divine birth; during it; and after it—Our Lady never had any other children” (Mary—Doctrine for Everyman, p. 14).

Continue reading The Perpetual Virginity of Mary