God is truth, Satan is deception

God is truth, Satan is deception


Calvinism is a true masterwork of deception, with twisting and turning of the truth, to create something other than the truth. This is never more true than in its accessment of God, man, and Satan.

God is truth

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Rev 3:7 he that is true (Christ)

In Hebrew the word for “truth” means firmness, faithfulness, strong, firm. In Greek it has a concept of “reality”, what really is. The essence of truth is the “sameness” between what a thing presents itself as, and the reality of that being or situation. The opposite of truth is a lie, a deception, a projected perception that does not correspond with reality.

A good example here is simply “hypocrite” or actor. A Hollywood actor projects himself (his character, actions, emotions, being) as something that he is not. A magician projects a false reality. He presents to his audience a woman that he puts into a box and cuts her in half, but after apparently cutting her in half, he presents her without any harm afterwards. This is presenting a false reality, and it is deception pure and simple.

It is not part of the character of God that He uses or has deception within Himself, or His character or actions. Continue reading God is truth, Satan is deception

Mark of a Cult: Deception


Cults are just false prophets at work. One of the distinguishing marks of a cult/false prophet is that they have refused “out of hand” (with no exceptions) the will of God and the correct doctrine of the Bible. Their reasons are a wonder, but basically they prefer to work their will in their own way of doing things rather than submit to God’s will. This is covered up so that their followers don’t get wise to what is going on and leave the group.

After having studied a number of these kinds of groups, and talking to people personally, I think that in many cases they are “sincere” people, in the sense that they themselves are under the lie and delusion of Satan that this way that they do stuff is God’s way, or approved of God. Continue reading Mark of a Cult: Deception

Is Total Depravity Biblical?

Is Total Depravity Biblical?

Is Total Depravity Biblical?By David Cox

Is the Calvinist doctrine of Total Depravity really biblical? Basically, the doctrine as explained by Calvinists is that this doctrine means that “there is no good within man.” Man has no “spark of divinity within him” whereby he has something good to offer God for salvation. Continue reading Is Total Depravity Biblical?

The Biblical Marks of Christianity

The commonly simple (WRONG) definition

A simple definition that is commonly given and understood by people of “what is a true Christian?” is simply, “a Christian is what I am.” Although this is understandable, it is not biblical.

At this point, we have to make some very clear distinctions from Scripture here as to what is, and what is not a true Christian. Any religious group has to be judged by some criteria, and we always want to return to our spiritual authority (The Holy Scriptures) to define what is what. No group “is Christian” just because. The group is a human, earthly manifestation of a group of people gathering around some religious ideas.

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(to be developed in the future)

Criteria for determining what a religious group “is” essentially

So many religious groups practice what is called “bait-and-switch” where they proclaim one thing, and then actually do or are another. This is common in false religions because their underlying basis of operation is to deceive, so they think nothing of doing it.

A careful and cautious Christian has to probe beyond the exterior to see what the group really is.

Defining what is true salvation

True salvation is the heart of any religious group (if it is biblical). So many religious groups and churches define “being one of them” as loyalty to the group, not true salvation. People are in the group that do not express the characteristics of a truly saved person, and that doesn’t bother the group members nor the group leadership

The “mixed nature” of any true Christianity

This is exactly what Roman Catholicism has been over all the years it has existed. It has twisted and trans-morphed many religious elements into something it wants to identify as “Christianity”. Over the course of the Old Testament, for example, we see a constant denouncing and chastising of Israel for making images and then including them in their worship (whether they worshiped the image or not, it was a prominent element of worship). This is amazing that with this history, the Roman Catholic religion has made images so prominent in their worship.

Islam breaks Scripture Harmony

When we examine true Christianity and false cults and sects within Christianity’s broad umbrella, we insist that whatever doctrinal statements a group has or approved and exhorted conduct a group gives, it cannot contradict the Bible. God is obliged to be consistent in his statements to men. He cannot change the standards from one moment to the next. If stealing is a sin in God’s eyes, then always it is. There may be some conditions whereby this concept is clarified, but we must hold the principle true. For example, if a man steals from his neighbor and is caught, he has to return what he has stolen four-fold. The principle is that the extra is a punishment for having stolen in the first place, and this is not the authorities “stealing from him” in God’s eyes, but doing what is just and fair.

Continue reading Islam breaks Scripture Harmony

Is Foreign Missions Biblical?

I recently attended a bus conference at an Independent Fundamental Baptist fellowship meeting. Maybe I don’t understand things anymore (good possibility), but I distinctly got the impression that they were bashing churches who spent money (and a lot of money, mentioning an example where “the pastor” spent $50,000 on foreign missions) but this pastor didn’t have a bus program. They scolded those in attendance because this was a tragedy in their eyes. The rest of this post is to answer that question. Continue reading Is Foreign Missions Biblical?

Islam: false prophet Muhammad

We understand that both Christianity and Islam are “competing religions” in that they are not mutually going to exist together. What one says to do, the other prohibits. These kinds of problems will make it impossible for them to mutually co-exist. They may both exist, but there will always be conflicts between them.

One the most important things is to strike an allegiance to an authority, the Bible or the Koran. While the Koran admits that the Bible is a holy book of God, the Bible gives no acknowledgement much less endorsement or authority to the Koran.

Continue reading Islam: false prophet Muhammad

Blue, K. – Healing Spiritual Abuse

Healing Spiritual Abuse: How to Break Free from Bad Church Experiences, Ken Blue, 1993. There is a great chapter on “Healed By Grace”. He says, “When we see that we are completely accepted by God solely through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, all religious law loses its manipulative power over us.”

A review on this book is here

Continue reading Blue, K. – Healing Spiritual Abuse

David Cox

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