A study on False Prophets and Teachers

A study on False Prophets and Teachers is excerpted from some good old books about false prophets and teachers.

taken from http://www.sounddoctrine.net/apologetics.html

A cult becomes destructive when:

¨      It isolates members from family and friends.

¨      The group interferes with an individual’s ability to think freely.

¨      A charismatic figure dominates the group, claiming to have a direct line to God or some secret knowledge that makes the group elite.

¨      The cult persuades members that the group goal is more important than individual needs, using guilt and shame to keep followers from questioning doctrine.

¨      The leader instills fear that something dreadful will happen to anyone who leaves.

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Christ’s Atonement in Catholicism

Christ’s Atonement in Catholicism shows that Roman Catholicism has a wrong concept of Christ’s work, and it is seen in various doctrinal beliefs and practices. They do not believe in the sufficiency of Christ’s atonement in the single act of dying on the cross, but rather it is like a single major event within many other events.

Christ’s Atonement in Catholicism

by David Cox

Continue reading Christ’s Atonement in Catholicism

David Cox

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